1 POWER SERIES 199 spond to two different points instead of a single z\ a stroke of genius if ever there was one, and which is at the origin of the great theory of Riemann surfaces, and of their modem generalizations, the complex manifolds which we shall define in Chapter XVI. The student who wishes to get acquainted with these beautiful and active theories should read H. Weyl's classic [19] and the modern presentation by Springer [17] of Riemann surfaces, and H. Cartan's seminar [7] and the recent book of A. Weil [18] on complex manifolds. 1. POWER SERIES In what follows K will denote either the real field R or the complex field C; its elements will be called scalars. In the vector space K7 over K, an open (resp. closed) polydisk is a product of p open (resp. closed) balls; in other words it is a set P defined by conditions of the form \zt — 0j| < rt (resp. \zl — #;| < rf), ! 0 for every index; a = (ai9..., ap) is the center or P, rls..., rp its radii (a ball is thus a polydisk having all its radii equal). (9.1,1) Let P, Q be two open poly disks in Kp such that P n Q 9* 0; for any two points x, y in P n Q, the segment (Section 8.5) joining x and y is contained in P n Q; in particular P n Q is connected. Indeed, if \xi-al\0) and any vector z = (zt,..., zp) e Kp, we write zv » 2j>zy... Zpp and | v| « /?t + nz + • • * -4- «p. If E is a Banach space (over K), (rv)vaN^ a family of elements of E having Np as set of indices, we say that the family (cv zv)v, NJP of elements of E is a power series in p variables coefficients cv, (9.1,2) Lei 6 = (5t,..., bf) e Kp be such that bt # 0 for I ^ / < /?, awrf the family (cvbv) be bounded in E. Then for any system of radii (rf) such that 0